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The Story - Live Artwork Timelapse

Timelapse videos captured during the live creation of artworks during "The Story" centric sermons at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Pullman, Washington.

Week One - Creation

Quite literally The Beginning

Week Four Deliverance

Scene of Moses parting the Red Sea.

Week Seven - The Battle Begins pt1

Rahab hiding the two Israelite spies at the first battle of Jericho during their conquest of Canaan.

Week Seven - The Battle Begins pt2

The blowing of the horns.  The battle begins...

Week 11 - From Shepherd to King

David vs. Goliath!

Week 16 - God's Messengers pt1

Elijah on Mount Carmel

Week 16 - God's Messengers pt2

Elijah and the Chariot of Fire

Week 19 - Daniel in Exile


Week 23 - The Birth of the King pt1


Week 23 - The Birth of the King pt2



Week 31 - The End of Time


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